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Category: Other Tools

Dropbox: A useful File Sharing tool for Online Collaboration Work

dropboxDropbox is the easiest way to store, sync, and, share files online. There’s no complicated interface to learn. Dropbox works seamlessly with your operating system and automatically makes sure your files are up-to-date. Available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Recently, needing to transfer rather large files, I found this fantastic service. The free level gives you 2gigs of storage right out of the gates. Installing their secure api application, and having created a secure online account on their website, you create a virtual folder on your desktop that quickly and easily manages files to be synced with the web-server.

Once on the webserver, anything you choose to share with others, you specify who to give access via their unique email address for security. A public folder option is also available for sharing via the web. Each upload into the Public folder will get it’s own unique link that you can publish and share on the web. A very handy feature for special downloads you’d like to offer from your own website.

Ease of use, and the bonuses they offer, Dropbox is a very useful service option.